Legacy Arts Club of Chester

September 2021 - present

Legacy Arts Club of Chester is an after-school program for children in Chester to learn how to be a great artist and great people.  

As a site leader at Legacy Arts Club, I assist in the mentoring of students and teach them different artistic techniques.  Offering guidance to these students allows them to feel empowered and use their skills to make something beautiful.

Students are encouraged to be creative and are able to display their art at shows and galas to be bought by local artists.  This support for their creativity not only provides an outlet for them to express themselves, but also shows them how much talent they hold. 

The Legacy Motto

I refuse to be ordinary.

I refuse to be boring.

I will never stop creating new things,

trying new ideas,

dreaming big, 

and building bigger.

My hands are my tools to create beautiful things in the world

and I will only use them for good.

I will give more than is expected,

believe more than other say is possible,

and work to create things that will change the world.


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